What is Fear and how do you handle it?
False Evidence Appearing Real
Sometimes fear comes from things that are only conjured up in our mind. The debilitating feeling when you approach something unknown and cannot control the outcome. The paralyzing thoughts of an expectation that cannot be met. Luke 12:32 tells us to “Fear Not”. The Lord tells us 365 times in the Bible to not be afraid. One for every single day of the year!
A fear of heights is our lack of control of what happens when we are in high places. Our false evidence that says we are going to fall if we are up high.
A fear of spiders or snakes or other things similar is our lack of control of the unknown of that creature. Will we get bitten? Will we get sick and die afterwards.
A fear of being alone is our lack of control of whether or not other people will stay in our lives or if they will leave.
In many cases fear is caused by our lack of control of things. In those instances we have a choice…
Forget Everything and Run or
Face Everything and RiseFear isn’t logical. The anxiety that fear creates isn’t logical, but that doesn’t mean it’s nonexistent. How do you conquer your fears? Comment below… #fear #fearnot #fearisaliar #facefear #facefears #benotafraid #donotfear #donotbeafraid #nofear #nomorefear #conquerfear #conqueryourfears #iamnotafraid